Thank you for partnering with us in equipping your student for lifelong learning and service to Christ.
This page serves as a resource for current families at Lake Center Christian School.
Absence Hotline: (330) 587-0200
Planned Absence Form – Elementary (K-6)
Planned Absence Form – Secondary (7-12)
Important Links
- 2024-25 School Calendar
- ParentSquare Login
- PowerSchool Login (Grades & Lunch Payments)
- Blackbaud Login (Tuition & Fees)
- Canvas Parent Login
- LCCS Event Page
- School Supply Lists
- 24-25 Extracurricular Billing Fees Chart
- Lunch Menus
- Enrollment Rates (Tuition & Fees)
- Raise Right
- Counseling Team
- Volunteer Program
- Forms