- Yes. The Bible teaches us in Ecclesiastes 4:12 “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (NIV). This supports Lake Center Christian School’s MISSION STATEMENT
Lake Center Christian School assists Christian families and their churches in equipping students for lifelong learning and service to Christ. Lake Center Christian School offers an accredited K-12 education which is centered in Jesus Christ.
Although we may have waiting lists, it is advisable to contact the school office to receive the most up-to-date information.
We use a variety of published curricula. Not all selected materials are from Christian publishers. Selections are made in accordance with rigorous requirements and are regularly reviewed to ensure our students receive the best materials available. Our desire is that students become “like their teacher” (Luke 6:40), not their textbook.
LCCS meets and exceeds the academic standards established by the State of Ohio. Students participate in the Ohio Achievement Tests, Ohio graduation tests and college preparation testing.
Yes, if the student is accelerated in math.
All core classes required by the State of Ohio plus electives such as Advanced Placement classes in English, Biology and Calculus. Additional electives include Spanish, art, music, business and technology. A full overview of available courses can be found in our Academic Handbook.
Every student needs 24 credits to graduate.
Yes. Most of our graduates have pursued continuing education options at the post high school level – college/university or technical/trade school level.
Please visit the College Credit Plus section for information.
Yes, but requires administrative approval.
Yes. Our administrators and faculty are committed to ensure that adequate support is available to our students.
Chapel is a very important part of every student’s learning and worship experience at LCCS. All students attend chapel once a week in the following grade level groupings: K-3rd, 4th-6th, 7th-8th and 9th -12th grades.
Yes, but the additional work to teach two separate groups of students was more than we had resources to accomplish.
While we enjoy the opportunity to be on one campus K-12; the Elementary (K-6); Junior High (7-8); and Senior High (9-12) each have separate Academic and restroom areas. Additionally, Elementary (K-6) has dedicated classrooms for Choir and Art. Seventh-Twelfth grade students involved in Band, Choir, Orchestra and Fine Arts will have the same faculty member and classroom for instruction, but will meet in age-appropriate sub-groups. The Cafenasium is used for all lunch periods and students are grouped by grade levels and supervised by Cafeteria Aides.
- Parent Ambassadors are a group of parents recruited and approved by administration because of their passion for the school, credibility among parents, connections in the community and desire to advance the school. Parent Ambassadors are instrumental in enfolding new families, expanding the reach of the school in the community and with churches, and growing and retaining enrollment.
- New families are assigned a Parent Ambassador as a point of direct contact. Ambassadors have real life experiences with the school and can provide personal guidance throughout the school year.
- For any questions, please contact Jackie Gilin, our Admissions Director, at [email protected].