Special Services

Lake Center Christian School believes that all students, including those with academic, social, and emotional disabilities, have unique gifts from God, and they can contribute to the school community, society and most importantly to God’s Kingdom.  The school also believes that all children are to be valued as God’s precious children.

The Special Services Program exists to support the mission of LCCS which is to “assist Christian families and their churches in equipping students for lifelong learning and service to Christ.”  LCCS offers an accredited K-12 education which is centered in Jesus Christ. Consistent with the mission statement of LCCS, the goal of the Special Services Program is to support student learning in an inclusive classroom model. This model serves students with disabilities such as Speech, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism.  LCCS is a registered provider of the Jon Peterson Scholarship Program.

It is our philosophy to accept students that we can effectively serve with the programs and services we offer.  We believe that with appropriate training, support, and instruction children with special needs can overcome obstacles, develop their God-given talents, and experience success in the general classroom and if life.

"Our teachers use small group instruction to gain a greater understanding of students strengths and weaknesses thus ensuring continuous growth in all subjects."

Lake Center Christian School Employee Dannon Stock Cropped

We are committed to working as a team with each family so that together, we can meet the needs of individual students, and magnify their gifts and abilities.”

Special Services May Offer


Provides specially designed instruction to students with special needs, according to the student’s IEP.

Intervention services may include:
•Consultative Service
•Supplemental Tutoring
•Specially Designed Instruction(SDI)


Therapy is provided through direct pull-out services or in the general education setting. The place and frequency of therapy services depend on the details specified in the child’s IEP or SP


LCCS contracts the services of OT/OTA AND PT/PTA to provide therapy services as outlined on the student’s SP/IEP. Occupational and Physical Therapy services are usually administered through direct pull-out services.


Educational Aides are assigned to particular students who need significant personal assistance in the areas of learning, behavior regulation, social interaction, and communication

What We Believe

Lake Center Christian School Core Values

We believe in a Biblical worldview. Students will learn to demonstrate an understanding and discernment of the Bible, the plan of salvation and it’s permeation into daily living and decision making. We teach students to use Biblical worldview to analyze content, to think critically about problems and solutions, and make decisions. 

We want to develop students that are able to engage with and articulate Biblical worldview to believers and non-believers alike. We believe that it’s through this understanding of the Bible that students will grow in their personal relationship with Christ.


At Lake Center, students are prepared in academic disciplines as well as skill in critical thinking and problem-solving. They are taught to be productive, responsible, and dependent on Christ as well as can read, write, speak, and listen with purpose.

Students learn to evaluate, analyze, and communicate the validity of information and it’s relation to Truth. They will be taught to value academic honesty and integrity while pursuing wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as a life practice/pattern.

We want students that after graduation have goals and plans for life beyond and outside of Lake Center.

We teach students to know, understand, and apply Scripture as the authority for establishing priorities for all areas of life. We want them to speak life and understand the power and value of their words.

Students will learn to cultivate a life of faith and love within their families, communities, workplaces as well as developing a desire to glorify God in everything they do, even viewing work as worship to God.

We want students that will practice restorative justice, love mercy, walk justly and exercise a voice in current culture.


We aspire to develop young men and women who understand that all people are created in the image of God. Students are also taught to value people’s differences (i.e. cultural, academic, racial, socioeconomic) treat others with grace, respect, and dignity.

We teach them to value the creativity and talents of others as well as the importance of community and living in unity. We show students how to not only recognize but also deal with prejudice.

We want well-rounded students that appreciate the arts, literature, science, mathematics, and athletics as well as those who excel in and contribute to these areas. 

At Lake Center we disciple students to participate in spreading the Gospel and discipling others as well as willingly participate in service opportunities.

We want young men and women who take initiative to improve the lives of others, think globally, and care for God’s creation. They are taught to understand and willingly use spiritual gifts and talents while developing useful skills.

We want them to apply innovative thinking to build and create as well as display servant leadership in the home, church, and workforce display a grateful heart.

Education at Lake Center Christian School is realized in several ways. Students are taught to know God through His revealed truth in the person of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible, the final authority for faith and life, and through discoverable truth in His creation. Students are encouraged by teachers, who exemplify a life-style of commitment to Christ, to respond to God as the Holy Spirit calls them. Students are guided in glorifying God by developing concepts and skills which will enable them to realize their potential in loving God, in enjoying His world, and in serving others.

Education results in the growth of the whole person. Lake Center Christian School aims to develop the potential of its students through goals for spiritual and moral growth, personal and social growth, intellectual growth, and health and physical growth.

What We Believe

We believe in a Biblical worldview. Students will learn to demonstrate an understanding and discernment of the Bible, the plan of salvation and it’s permeation into daily living and decision making. We teach students to use Biblical worldview to analyze content, to think critically about problems and solutions, and make decisions. 

We want to develop students that are able to engage with and articulate Biblical worldview to believers and non-believers alike. We believe that it’s through this understanding of the Bible that students will grow in their personal relationship with Christ.


At Lake Center, students are prepared in academic disciplines as well as skill in critical thinking and problem-solving. They are taught to be productive, responsible, and dependent on Christ as well as can read, write, speak, and listen with purpose.

Students learn to evaluate, analyze, and communicate the validity of information and it’s relation to Truth. They will be taught to value academic honesty and integrity while pursuing wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as a life practice/pattern.

We want students that after graduation have goals and plans for life beyond and outside of Lake Center.

We teach students to know, understand, and apply Scripture as the authority for establishing priorities for all areas of life. We want them to speak life and understand the power and value of their words.

Students will learn to cultivate a life of faith and love within their families, communities, workplaces as well as developing a desire to glorify God in everything they do, even viewing work as worship to God.

We want students that will practice restorative justice, love mercy, walk justly and exercise a voice in current culture.


Lake Center Christian School Core Values

Education at Lake Center Christian School is realized in several ways. Students are taught to know God through His revealed truth in the person of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible, the final authority for faith and life, and through discoverable truth in His creation. Students are encouraged by teachers, who exemplify a life-style of commitment to Christ, to respond to God as the Holy Spirit calls them. Students are guided in glorifying God by developing concepts and skills which will enable them to realize their potential in loving God, in enjoying His world, and in serving others.

Education results in the growth of the whole person. Lake Center Christian School aims to develop the potential of its students through goals for spiritual and moral growth, personal and social growth, intellectual growth, and health and physical growth.

At Lake Center we disciple students to participate in spreading the Gospel and discipling others as well as willingly participate in service opportunities.

We want young men and women who take initiative to improve the lives of others, think globally, and care for God’s creation. They are taught to understand and willingly use spiritual gifts and talents while developing useful skills.

We want them to apply innovative thinking to build and create as well as display servant leadership in the home, church, and workforce display a grateful heart.

We aspire to develop young men and women who understand that all people are created in the image of God. Students are also taught to value people’s differences (i.e. cultural, academic, racial, socioeconomic) treat others with grace, respect, and dignity.

We teach them to value the creativity and talents of others as well as the importance of community and living in unity. We show students how to not only recognize but also deal with prejudice.

We want well-rounded students that appreciate the arts, literature, science, mathematics, and athletics as well as those who excel in and contribute to these areas. 

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Call 330-877-2049

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