Traffic Procedures

Please follow the Transportation Plan of your youngest student.


 Before Care(K-12) – 7:00 – 7:30 am:

Before Care is offered at a cost of $2.50 per day.  See the traffic directions for locations and times.

AfterCare (K-6)2:50 – 6:00 pm:

AfterCare is available each school day for K-6 students who are registered. Students can complete crafts, play outside on the playground, and play games with other students. One snack per child is provided daily; if you want additional food/drink for your child, it can be packed. 

AfterCare is available on early dismissal days, but only until 3:00 pm.  Please make arrangements for this earlier pick-up time.

Students will be dismissed to the Cafenasium with their classes at their designated dismissal time and will be picked up by the AfterCare leader at 2:50 pm.  Students not picked up by 3:10 pm will be sent to AfterCare and their parents will be charged a fee of $12 per day plus the $15 registration fee the first time.  

Complete the registration form and return it to your child’s teacher to enroll your student in AfterCare.  You can print it from the link above or pick one up from the Elementary Office.  There is a one-time registration fee of $15 and a per-day cost of $12 per day billed to Blackbaud. 

There is a premium fee of $20 per every 15 minutes after 6:00 pm or part thereof.  Parents will be billed monthly for all charges.  The same will apply after 3:00 pm on early dismissal days.

Study Table (7-12)3:00 – 5:00 pm:

Supervised by LCCS staff, the cost is $5 per hour/per student and is billed to Blackbaud. Students waiting for a school sponsored after-school activity will not be charged for study table  There is a premium fee of $20 per every 15 minutes after 5:00 pm or part thereof. Students will sign in and out of Study Table, and parents will be billed monthly for all charges.  

Study Table is available on early dismissal days, but only until 3:00 pm.  There is a premium fee of $20 per every 15 minutes after 3:00 pm or part thereof on these days.  Please make arrangements for this earlier pick-up time. Please note:  parents are expected to pack a lunch for their student who is staying for Study Table on early dismissal days.

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